Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Merrill Lynch Nanotech Index

Considering that this Blog will only invest on the nanotechnology industry, trying to benchmark the performance against the S&P 500, Dow or other index would not be entirely appropriate. Unless the nanotech company's performance keeps following the S&P we should not have a problem with but maybe we should use another more useful benchmark for this Portfolio.

The Merrill Lynch Nanotech Index is composed of 25 companies. In each of these companies a significant portion of their future profits is tied to nanotechnology and because of that the "Big Boys" such as IBM, GE, 3M or Intel were excluded from this index.

We will keep tracking the performance of the Blog Portfolio against the performance of this index and the S&P 500. We will be trading companies that probably are not listed on the Merril Lynch's Index since there are many companies that profit from biotechnology and other types of nano materials that are not yet considered nanotechnology.

Here is a link to the 1 year chart of the nanotech index: Nanotech Index

Later when the US Markets open I will check some charts and make new updates.


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